“There is added value in finding a photographer who is as serious about your memories as you are.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a professional photographer?

I am a full-time, licensed and insured, income and sales tax paying photography studio business owner who has photographed hundreds of newborn babies, children, and families for more than a decade..

Will my session be in a studio?

That depends. Newborn sessions are in-studio only......no home/hospital sessions. Family sessions are outdoor only. Children's sitter and 1 year milestone sessions are in-studio. Age 2 and up are outdoor.

Do you offer specific editing on my images?

All images are retouched according to my customary style. Before booking, please make sure you like the images shown in the website galleries and on the Effects Photography facebook page, and that's what you want your images to look like. Extra editing such as "head swaps" and color changes, etc. are not part of our service.

Do I have to order prints from you?

No. While we do encourage you to purchase professionally printed products through the store that is set up in your online gallery, and most session packages include a print credit for use in that gallery store, you will also receive a print release that allows you to order products from another vendor. (We are unable to guarantee print quality from outside sources.)

Will you provide unedited images?

Just as a professional baker does not send you the ingredients only.....neither does a professional photographer. Your session images are a reflection of my talent and art, your reason for booking with me. Unedited/raw files or images altered by anyone other than the photographer are not intended for public viewing and will not be released without payment of a copyright release ($350 per digital image file) and a signed disassociation agreement.

Do you offer mini sessions?

A limited number of children's in-studio mini sessions are offered each year. In addition to our annual CHILDREN-ONLY Christmas mini, there is typically at least one other (often two, sometimes three) themed mini session event. We try to rotate our most popular themes.....like Mommy & Me, fishing, wedding dress. etc....so that if you miss one, either because your child is too young at the time or the event date doesn't work for you, you may have another opportunity 2-3 years later. We currently have no plans to offer outdoor mini sessions, either children or families, due to schedule restraints combined with weather issues.

Are weekend sessions available?

A limited number of weekends are set aside in the spring and fall for outdoor family sessions only, when a weekday evening isn't possible for you. We realize that mom and/or dad's work schedule can sometimes be an obstacle on weekdays. (Please request weekend spots as far in advance as possible, since the number of weekends is limited, plus the probability of rainouts.)

What happens if it rains on my outdoor session date?

We will re-schedule asap for the earliest available date that works for you. We start monitoring the daily forecast a couple of days before the session, but it can change so quickly, we try to wait until at least the morning of the session date to make the decision on calling it off for that day. (Spring sessions are particularly susceptible to rainouts, and it can sometimes take a week or two to get the session accomplished.)

What if my child doesn't cooperate?

Realistic expectations are SO important. A toddler's whims can be VERY strong, and sometimes insurmountable. "Cooperation" doesn't necessarily mean big cheesy smiles. As a matter of fact, you will never hear us utter the words "say cheeeeese." We strive for natural expressions, not awkwardly frozen faces, and we have tons of patience.....we take as many breaks as needed for their comfort. If your child is upset by the idea of taking photos, as some young ones are, a re-schedule rarely has a different result.

How do I book a newborn session months in advance when the exact delivery date isn't certain?

Here's how it works (since delivery dates aren't guaranteed, just estimated): We use the estimated due date when you submit your reservation/retainer as a temporary placeholder on the calendar. Once the baby arrives (or as soon as there is a confirmed c-section or labor inducement date) we ask that you (or a family member or friend) contact us right away via email or FB messenger, and that's when the specific session date is set. (If there's enough advance notice and not a ton of other deliveries in the same time frame, we may be lucky enough to have more than one date to choose from.) We usually try to photograph newborns between 14-16 days old. This is when they are typically (but not always) the sleepiest, have generally worked through the majority of their feeding/digestive issues, and most will still have their amazing flexibility for all those adorable curled up poses.

For baby boys circumcision, how long should I wait for his newborn session?

We prefer to allow 5-7 days healing time for his comfort during the session. If it will be an office procedure some time after you have left the hospital, please keep the session date (plus the healing period) in mind when scheduling the doctor appointment.

Why are some newborn photographers more "expensive" than others?

You'll find a wide range of prices based on a vast variety of factors. A photographer who is operating legally (which, regrettably, not all photographers do) incurs expenses that you don't see, such as licensing, insurance, and taxes.....LOTS of taxes. Other expenses include training and education (which, regrettably, not all newborn photographers do) and continuing training and education in newborn safety, and new techniques in posing/lighting/styling/editing, along with physical costs such as studio maintenance, equipment upgrades, website and editing program updates, prop purchases to supply everything needed for the session. This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. These and many other factors that affect your experience before/during/after the session will be/should be reflected in the prices. While recognizing that each client has a different budget and places a different value on photographs, I try to keep my prices low, but at the same time at a level that is supported by the quality of my work and the education and experience involved....as well as inclusive of what it takes to run a legal business.

Can I bring my pet for a photo with the baby?

Unfortunately, no. We are huge animal lovers, too....but pets are not allowed in the studio for health/safety reasons.